Telehealth paediatric physiotherapy.


Virtual Paediatric Physiotherapy From Home.

Telehealth physiotherapy sessions via Cliniko or Zoom are available here at Physiotots where you participate in a therapy session with your child via an online service without the need to travel. Typically, we teach and guide you through the session with you using your hands on your child. Telehealth remains a popular choice of therapy for some families, since we were thrust into lockdowns over the Covid period. The use of interactive programs, development of home programs as well as guidance of parents and carers in specific techniques has been a great adjunct to regular clinic based therapeutic interventions.

My daughter has been seeing Myff for nearly 20 years and there is no doubt that she would be as physically capable without Myff's help. Words could never express how much we appreciate everything Myff and her team have done over the years and continue to do. Highly recommend PhysioTots!!!

Kim - Francis Pester


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